Ways to make your girlfriend feel loved and happy

A perfect relationship is never one sided. When you make the effort to please your girlfriend and make her happy, she’ll involuntarily put in her effort at making you happier in love if she truly loves you back.
So the next time you’re with your special girl, instead of holding back, give more. In mutual love, every loving act gives back more happiness to both lovers.
For starters, use these 20 tips on how to make your girlfriend happy to pamper her and please her. And I’ll tell you this, you’ll definitely be the winner in the game of love.

#1 Surprise her with memorable gifts. Make sure you never forget your girlfriend’s special occasions, however trivial they may seem to you. And every now and then, show just how much you love her by giving her a memorable gift of love, be it a bling thing or a priceless gift like a heartfelt letter of love. 

#2 Make her friends envy her.  All of us want our relationships to be perfect, but very few of us actually work towards making it perfect. Treat your girlfriend with love and affection, and pay attention to all her needs, especially when she’s around her friends. When her friends notice how good a catch you are, her heart will swell with pride and happiness, and you’ll feel like a real smooth talker too!

#3 Get along with her friends and family. To a girl, her family and her close friends mean everything, because she shares all the intimate details of her life with them. And to a large extent, she listens to her friends and takes their opinions seriously. So make an effort to get along with her friends and treat them well. She’ll be happy to see that you’re a big hit with her loved ones.

#4 Don’t ignore her when she’s with you. Make your girlfriend feel like she’s the center of your world all the time, and especially so when she’s with you. Don’t ignore her because you’re having a fun conversation with another attractive girl or are distracted by something else. When your girlfriend is around you, it doesn’t matter who or what is around, make sure your attention is focused on your girl. 

#5 Respect her opinions. As humans, respect plays a big part in how we feel about ourselves. When we feel disrespected by someone important to us, we feel miserable. And this holds the same effect in relationships too. Don’t dismiss your girlfriend’s opinions and ideas without listening to her, and don’t take her lightly just because *she’s a girl*. In a relationship, both partners have to learn to listen to each other and respect each other’s point of view.

#6 Ask her for help.   You may be a big, fully grown man. But that shouldn’t stop you from asking your girl for help now and then. By letting your girlfriend see your vulnerable, helpless side, she’d feel closer to you because you aren’t afraid of showing your weaknesses to her.

#7 Compromise for her.  Every now and then, compromise your wants for her needs. If she wants to watch a romantic movie while you want to watch something else, give in to her now and then. When she sees how you’re willing to give up something you like just to please her, it’ll only make her feel more loved and happy. 
#8 Cuddle up with her at home. Do you end up getting turned on each time you hug your girlfriend or kiss her for a few minutes? That’s understandable. But at least once a day, hug her tight and cuddle with her while watching the telly or when both of you are lying in bed. For a girl, a few hugs and sweet kisses feel just as special as a good round of passionate s3x.